Sensing the overall migration of all sentient and non-sentient beings toward Bethlehem, the resident
flamingos made a determined effort not to be "left behind" .

Flaming-y, all head and neck and no heart...literally...beneath the snow, there is no there-there...wants to prove that he is more than just a silly party animal, more even than just a gauge to measure the depth of a day's snowfall. Wearing a cap of melting snow and ice to cool his overactive brain, he calculates how best to transport himself from the environs of The
Gustafson House and how to make his way to Bethlehem. He was counting on taking his direction from the stars, but the weeks of persistent cloud cover have negated his efforts in that regard. He is (excuse me) having to "wing it." When last seen, he was taking a bead on the
Gustafsons' porch...facing the east, correctly enough, but this particular "Bethlehem" seems to lie
south of poor, clueless Flaming-y.

Adorned in her Robert
Monsen bonnet and her Carole Young leg warmers, the inimitable Miss Scarlett has decided to leave the comfort and the security of the Agape porch and to take young
Pinky to see what is going on at the stable.
Many of you may remember Pinky's unfortunate beginnings and his miraculous discovery beneath Chalet 13. You will be pleased to know that this "mother-and-child-reunion" is one that has been richly blessed by the altogether unlimited powers of the human imagination.
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