Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Promise of Snow

During the night,
God summoned
His attending angels.
Instructed them to
"Cast out snow."

"Let it fall
Throughout the night.
And in copious amounts."

"Let it fall so that
At dawn
It will be discovered
Falling still
From a sky heavy with its weight."

"Let it fall so that
It parts,
Sifts through,
The curtain of mist
That hangs over the valley."

"Let it fall so that
The surrounding mountains,
And the trees thereon,
Become obscured
By its descent."

Let it fall so that
The proud and noisy
Must needs take refuge
From the covering."

"Do all that I tell you
So that you might
Convince her
Of the promise
Of snow."

"Then come
And sing to Me
The music
She will make
In her happy heart."

1 comment:

Debbie said...

ahhhhh Wanda ... you are such a wonderful writer ...