Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chalet 3 in before sunrise. Most of the residents of Chalet 3 are still asleep. Those who have kitchen duty for the breakfast shift are already at work, but early morning peace and quiet prevail.

Also in just before the sun disappears for the day behind Copper Mountain. ..a different sight in front of Chalet 3.

The residents of Chalet 3, creative thinkers all, plant various and sundry chairs from within atop the mountain of roof-a-lanche snow and assume the sunning position to absorb the day's last rays of direct sunlight. (Left to right: Amanda Brown, Brett Olson, Chris Tou, Lee Wells, John Chiles, and Mariel Vinge.)

A good time was had by all.

1 comment:

lwise said...

Lemons/lemonade? No, a roofalanche becomes a sundeck...I like it!