Plan B: This is what you do when your camera, normally your best friend, your ever-present companion, decides that it is unable to focus, and as a result all of your pictures look as if a wad of vaseline has been smeared across the lens prior to a reasonable request for a reasonable and routine "shot." You go back into your many stored images and select one that is pertinent and applicable to the story-at-hand and use it even though it has nothing to do with said story and was actually taken a month earlier at some other occasion, but no one is the wiser for using it in a later story...are you?
Take this picture of the homemade hamburger buns, for example. Now a few of you may feel inclined to question the choice of taking a picture of hamburger buns...EVER! But aren't they just the loveliest buns? We at Holden see them all the time...let me rephrase that...we at Holden see them every time we have hamburgers. No plastic wrapped tied-off packages of 8 buns for THIS establishment! The irony is that we rarely have hamburgers, so the sight of buns of any kind is a rare sight indeed! Hence, out comes the camera and the image of a basket of buns is captured and later stored in the computer.
This basket of buns was actually on the table for a "Beach Cookout" to celebrate the official "Sun Over Buckskin Day." The problem with the celebration of that event on that day was that it was a cloudy day...there was daylight, but no one could tell where the sun was...over Buckskin or not over Buckskin. But the party was planned, the outdoor grill dug out from under the snow, and the burgers "patted out." Don your beach wear and come on down! Knowing the words to Beach Boys music required. The party went on as planned; the sun did-or-did-not do its thing on schedule.
Only a couple days later, however, it was a sunny day (are you still with me here?) and in order to verify the authenticity of Sun Over Buckskin Day (i.e. seeing the sun crest the top of Buckskin), we had another celebration...this time at the hour scheduled for coffee break, and we had it outside where there were several cases of champagne chilling in a snow bank. Well, forget the basket of buns picture...bring on one with the champagne chilling in the snow bank!
But the original basket of buns photo is still stored, and I get it out today to accompany my sad story about my camera and to let you know that we have just had another occasion for which buns were required. The elementary school children sponsored a Starburger Cafe. It was set up on the first floor of Chalet 2 (our all-purpose palace) and had tables for 3 spaced around the room. Olaf Coffey was the maitre'd and greeted all the guests at the door and saw to it that they were seated. Elli Vegdahl-Crowell, Jordyn and Nyrie Mietzke were charming waitresses..."Hello, I am Nyrie and I will be your waitress this evening."
The buns were used for the hamburgers cooked on the grill outside by August Carpenter and high school teacher Dave Sather...and were they ever good! We had all the trimmings and milk shakes to accompany them....no French fires! We are not that decadent as yet! It was a great night.
And I would have taken some charming pictures so that you could see just how charming it really was, but as I said, my camera....
But, I swear it! The buns looked just like the ones in the above picture!
And if we had been served hot dogs, the buns would have looked just like these ...

1 comment:
mmmm mmmm good ...
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