Before I leave for Virginia, where spring is already underway...cherry blossoms are scheduled to "peak" while I am there...here is one last look at winter in the Northwest. It has been beautiful, but I am sure that everything will have quite a different look when I return on April 17.

Those of us who live in Agape have been quite snug throughout the winter. We have looked out these windows. We have looked out from the porch. We sit high on the hill and we look out and down, into and over the village.

The windows are decorated with brightly colored creations of paper which catch the winter light and lend a cheerful note to
what can be a very dark season.
We look down past Lodge 2 and down and over the dining hall/hotel, and then the eye goes up, up, up the far mountainside to the big bowl created by Buckskin and Copper Mountains.

Pussy willows picked last spring are hanging on until a new batch can be picked to be put in a vase for the dining table.

Looking off to the east from the porch, Lodge 3 and the individual chalets in the distance are visible through the falling snow.

Buckskin looms over the village and is clearly the centerpiece from one of
Agape's front windows.

More decorations to help keep the spirits light.

More folded paper stars and one of several plants take in the afternoon light.

And from the porch at night, we can see the lights of the dining hall/hotel. Above it, the moon rises into the big bowl formed by the mountains.
Wow ...
Looks like heavy spring snow (we call it heart-attack snow!)
Have a wonderful out with your family ... travel safely ... laugh and smile!
Okay, Wanda...
Now I'm homesick again.
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