Thus the day began early in the morning with a Jubilee service project spearheaded by our intrepid gardener, Janice Haakons. (I tell you, this woman gets up early and stays up late. I was personally awake and observed her setting the sprinklers outside my windows just at daybreak...that would be well in advance of 5:00 am. I was to learn later that she also donated a homemade lavender cake and 3 homemade rhubarb pies and lavender cookies for the Jubilee auction to be held in the afternoon.) Her morning project involved cleaning up existing flower beds between Chalet 1 and Chalet 2 and the construction of additional flower beds into which exotica like mint and lemon balm could be planted. (Wonder what kind of good things she will make with what she grows in the new beds?)
The call went out for volunteers and I showed up to work. My assigned tasks were to weed the pathways up to Chalet 2 and to weed a large flower bed. This meant that I was down on my hands and knees for close to 2 hours (ouch!) but figured it was the least I could to do for Janice and to help out on the Jubilee project. Others also weeded, and hauled rocks for the edges of the beds, spread compost, spaded, raked...another one of Holden's group efforts.
Before we got too hot and sweaty and dirty, Janice brought out and served her own version of a tender mercy...a bowl of her very own lavender cookies. Made with Holden lavender preserved from the gardens last year and with pure butter, and sprinkled lightly with sugar, they provided an excellent mid-morning treat.
At the auction this afternoon, Holden raised over $6,000 which will be donated to L'Arche Tahoma Hope, a home for developmentally disabled adults in Tacoma, WA.
It has been a good Jubilee day.

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