Holden Village's Pastor, Erik
Haaland, and Staff Coordinator, Daniel
Holmgren, returned today from a month-long "out". Both have been at Holden already for two years and have agreed to remain for another year on the long-term staff. In such cases, it is customary for the individual to take an extended break from village life before beginning their third term of one year.
Today was the day they were scheduled to return. As far as I can determine, there is no set protocol as to when there will be a big celebration, or when members of the community will "dress up", or when they will stage an elaborate scenario. It seems to me to be more of a "happening" than a well-orchestrated plan. A general outline was announced at the dinner meal yesterday...and here is the sum total of that plan..."Pastor Erik is returning and he will return to find the village worshipping the golden calf." The rest is sheer improvisation.

The drum line (not your Friday night high school band drum line...well you can see for yourself in the photo above) gathered to begin the drumming as the bus bringing up guests and staff from the lake could be seen making its approach. They also provided the rhythm and the beat for the dancers swirling around the Golden Calf.

The Golden Calf was set upon an altar adorned with candles, incense, flowers, fruits and vegetables...all offerings from the villagers to the new idol. Since it was placed in the middle of the road, the bus could not pass this point.

In front of the altar bearing the Golden Calf, the new god of choice, the faithful knelt in the street to worship at the altar. The pained expression in some of the faces indicates the presence of rocks and stones digging in to knees unaccustomed to kneeling on such a
primitive surface. The fact that they did so anyway is testament to their new-found faith.

Whirling and swirling about the Golden Calf are the white-robed attendants at the altar. But wait! There in the background is the interim "Resident Pastor" Larry
Houff. You may remember him from his picture in the "First Day of School" series of photos. He seemed at the time to have lost control of his flock...this is only further proof. He also seems to have lost the blond hairpiece he was wearing for the "First Day of School" activities. The faithful gathered around the altar raise their hands in a fervor of praise...
never mind that there seems to be a child being placed on the altar in sacrifice to the Golden Calf.

The bus bearing the Pastor on his return to the village must make the usual stop and get the usual instructions from the Former-but-Returned-Registrar Nancy Johnson. Moses (Holden Village Director Tom
Ahlstrom) must wait his turn to speak to the passengers. But wait! Didn't that beard on the face of Moses once serve as the hairpiece for Larry
Houff, the Interim Resident Pastor?

The Mayor of Holden Village, Olaf Coffey, is always trying to figure out what the adult members of his community are doing and why they are doing it and here seems to have more than one thing on his mind. Upon his return to this strange community, Daniel
Holmgren is greeted
by Moses.
Pastor Erik, in a formidable show of wrath, raises the rod given him by Moses and prepares to smite the Golden Calf. The gesture is too late for
Jordyn and
Nyrie Mietzke who have already been sacrificed
upon the altar.

After the Golden Calf has been knocked into the dust of Wes
Prieb Boulevard, Moses, still wearing the hairpiece as a beard, comes down from some high place or another and proclaims to one and all the new laws of the community. The laws have been inscribed into two tablets of clay and are here presented to Moses and Pastor Erik by Angela
Mietzke, who has just lost two daughters as a sacrifice to the Golden Calf.

Speaking over the hairpiece-worn-as-a-beard, Moses reads the new "Ten Commandments."
1. Thou shalt not be late for dish team.
2. Honor thy directors.
3. Thou shalt not use the sauna while naked.
4. Thou shalt not skip garbo duty.
5. Thou shalt not feed the squirrels.
6. Remember thou the "stop day" and keep it holy. (I would explain if I knew.)
7. Thou shalt not stream any video.
8. Thou shalt not hike without "the 10 essentials." (I would explain if I knew.)
9. Thou shalt not sleep through fire alarms.
10. Thou shalt not mix "landfill" with "burnables." (I would explain but it would take too long.)

Meanwhile, the staff coordinator, Daniel is besieged by staff members wanting to take an "out" themselves. So anxious are they that he consider their request that they tape their completed "out slips" to his person. (The slips have to be filled out and approved prior to departure.)
The altar has been removed from the street.
The Golden Calf has been moved to the VC (Visitor Center).
The costumes have been returned to the costume shop to be used in the next celebration.
Larry Houff has retrieved the hairpiece from Moses and has secretly packed it in his suitcase.
The 2 young girls were miraculously restored to life.
The fruits and vegetables have been returned to the kitchen.
The incense was all consumed by fire.
Pastor Erik has given serious thought to changing the topic of his upcoming Sunday sermon.
Pastor Erik does not know what the topic of that sermon should be.
Staff Coordinator Daniel says "A pox on you all! You can all leave any time you want!
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