Let the games of faith and friendship begin! Our guests have arrived. It is faith on the part of Holden Village (and an Eli Lily Grant which helps to fund the venture) that we can make contact with and persuade our Hispanic brothers and sisters to come and visit us for a week and faith that we can house and care for so many people whose English skills are limited. About 240 arrived on the afternoon buses and an additional, much smaller, number were already here to help with the welcoming. Now the friendship...and the fun and the food (NEVER underestimate the food!) and the fiesta... begins.

Families already here help Holden's staff and other guests welcome the arrival of the buses.

The tireless Norma Gallegos, liason between the Holden community and the Hispanic community, arrives on the first bus and arrives showing the enthusiasm that will not diminish as the week goes on.

A family makes its way to the registration table where staff members fluent in Spanish will help them find their way to their assigned room.
Translated, Abriendo Caminas means Opening Pathway.
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