For those who have visited Holden often and know it well, it is a rare sight indeed to see this huge area completely clear of any object whatsoever. (I believe I am right in saying that the only object sitting on the floor is the organ/carillon off to one side.) It is an amazing sight to see it in this manner. The sight is made more amazing by the floor, newly varnished and polished to a mirror finish.
Such good things do not happen on their own. There was obviously much hard and difficult work involved in such a huge project. We owe our thanks and appreciation to Head Maverick, Daniel Roberts; Maverick, Nate Lee; former head Garbologist currently here in a volunteer position, Abbey Dibble; and our two high school boarding students, Inge Chiles and Andrew Dutcher.
Thanks! It is beautiful.
Ready for another summer of love and worship!
I think V.C. stands for Village Center.
Won't be long now!
Hi Wanda,
Love your blog!!!
Mary Poulsen
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