Saturday, February 14, 2009


The reveries of a winter day

Are pierced by bird song.
The raucous cry of the one here all winter
Is joined by new voices
Singing a different song.

Toward noon,
We are flooded with a sunlight
That seems to blaze forth.
It fills a work space.

It sits in a favorite chair.

A close look at the sticks of a tree's branches

Reveals the blush of color
At the tips,

The barely visible swellings
Along the length.



Joan Neslund said...

Oh I am so glad you see our mother earth responding to its own rhythm of renewal. Winter may still roar at us but there is no denying the coming of Spring.

Gail said...

Wow, and I see your Christmas cactus is blooming!!! Fun!

Unknown said...

wow, it won't be long until spring! We're getting tired of these cold days and freezing nights! The hummingbirds are still coming to the feeder.