Thursday, October 30, 2008

October Sunrise

Good morning. On these late October mornings, my path down the hill to breakfast is, more often than not, dramatically lit. If it weren't for the promise of coffee waiting at the bottom of the hill, I might never make it to the dining hall until the sun was fully up.


Debbie said...

absolutely glorious! Funny ... as I look east out my living room window ... I see an orange sky ... turning pale yellow .... Sunrises this time of year speak to God's stirring our soul ... beckoning us to come closer.
Its Friday ... again you will be called to closeness at Prayer Around the Cross.

Amy said...


this is great that you have a blog! How are you? I'll definitely keep up with this. My pottery blog is: if you're interested. I hope to be there in late December. Take care and blessings- Amy (from NC)